
"Don't spend time worrying about how you are going to die. Worry about how you are going to live today"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chemo is done - slamming the door on it forever with my hair

This is surreal.  I am at the chemo center on my last chemo and I just can't believe it.  Here I sit...the chemo is technically complete and unhooked.  I am just finishing my last two Penguin Cold Caps and I will be finished - done!  I just can't believe it.

When I started the journey with breast cancer all along my worst nightmare was going through chemo and losing my hair.  I don't know why but it was.  Now here I sit done with chemo and I still have my hair.  It's amazing...simply incredible.  I can't believe I faced one of my worst fears so head on and actually did it.  This is a good feeling.  Tomorrow will be a new day!  A good one.  I am slamming the door on chemo for good - right now and moving on!!!!

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