
"Don't spend time worrying about how you are going to die. Worry about how you are going to live today"

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Paying it Forward

I knew that when I got diagnosed that at some point I would want to do something to help others going through the whole breast cancer journey.   I guess it's the educator in me.  I just can't help myself!

Today I took the first step to doing just that.  I visited a local cancer wellness center and spoke to the wellness director about getting involved.  I am hopeful that I can can teach some fitness classes or give some presentations about nutrition to help educate others going through cancer treatment or after.   I have learned so much in this journey and I hope that in some small way I can pay it forward and offer support or help to someone else going through this too.  

While I am excited to get involved,  I also know that as I continue to move forward beyond cancer in my life I don't want to dwell on it.  At some point I can't eat, drink and live breast cancer anymore. I know there will be a fine line between helping others and living too much in the cancer world.  I hope I can find a way to support and help others while still moving on with my new cancer free life. 

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